Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 6 - Loving "Eat to Live"!!!

Eat to Live has to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I flipping love not having to count calories! Every diet prior I have had to keep a food journal... jotting down every little thing I eat. It also fell apart when I went out to dinner and no calories were listed.

My daily food intake with Eat to Live:
1 pound fresh green vegetables
1 pound cooked vegetables
4-6 servings fruit
1oz seeds/nuts
1 cup beans/legumes

Eat to Live does allow whole grains, some starchy foods, and small quantities of: eggs, fish, or bird 1-2 times a week or red meat about once a month... but I really don't see the point in adding it. I do eat one slice of rye or pumpernickel bread every few days for a sandwich, but that's it.

So easy! I don't eat bread, prepackaged foods, fats, oils, sweets, meat, cheese, dairy. Most of what I buy is either fresh or frozen produce. No preservatives.

I was so satisfied with my dinner tonight that I am flipping raving about it! A big salad, steamed asparagus and zucchini, and an apple. It doesn't seem like much but it filled me up. FILLED ME UP! Every other diet I have tried I'd still be hungry wishing I could have more.

I am sooooo happy right now! I cannot wait until tomorrow comes. =)

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